Overhead Lifts
For overhead lifts, track is mounted to the ceiling and has a
unit that travels back and forth that lifts the individual
in a sling
from one point to another. The most common use for
this type of
lift is used to move an individual from bed to
chair, chair to toilet
or tub, or from chair to other locations
in the home. There are two
models available.
The PC-2
The PC-2 is a portable overhead lift unit that does not require
any doorway modifications. It can be used in multiple locations
throughout the home simply by moving the power head. The unit
a power up and down only and requires assistance back and
The C-4
The C-4 model offers power up and down and back and forth
options. Depending on the individual�s capabilities, this unit
offer independent transport from different locations
the home. A typical application is a continuous run
of track usually
from the bedroom area to the bathroom and to
any other area
desired in the home. In most cases extensive door
are required.
Different styles of slings are available to accommodate a wide
variety of needs.